Machismo #2
16 x 20 inches
Acrylic on Linen
This piece examines how, in a never-ending cycle, mothers condition their sons to require the service of women throughout life. Likewise, daughters are conditioned to become servants.
The boy is permitted to do whatever he pleases. He is free to roam, play, and experience life. He can return at his leisure to be nourished, nursed, and served.
In a continuation of the first piece, the female’s face is again covered by tape. The boy will accept any woman that can give him what he desires. She provides her whole self for consumption.
The little girl watches this performance in the wings from behind the curtains. She is learning who she will become. Her role will be to serve and to be used as deemed necessary by the men in her life. Her dress will become her veil in adulthood. She has not earned her plain gold halo, yet the boy was born with an immensely elaborate design.