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El Chapulín Colorado usa máscara

October 2020

10 x 9 feet

Acrylic Paint on Glass

This temporary public mural is located at Manolo's Bakery off of Central Avenue. It was created for the #CountOnMeCLT campaign to slow the spread of COVID in partnership with Charlotte is Creative and Mecklenburg County. 

El Chapulín Colorado was selected as the subject because he's an iconic and easily recognizable character spanning generations of Latin American culture. El Chapulín Colorado didn't always get things right, but often it was the simplest of actions that saved the day. He represents the genuine goodness in all of us. I wanted to push the Latinx community of Charlotte to pitch in and do their part with the simple act of wearing a mask.

Photographer: Ernesto Moreno Photography

© 2024 Irisol Gonzalez-Vega
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